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Discover Chiropractic
Dr. Daniel R. Robbins, DC
Since 2001, we have had the honor of caring for our patients at our Champlain Heights/Vancouver clinic.
As of December 2019; we began a new chapter. We moved our clinic to New West. With the move came a new name - New West Chiropractic.
This doesnt mean good-bye but rather a fresh and fantastic new clinic with the same great people & services. So join us at the new location. We know you will love it too!
Our Services
We have proudly serving the City of Vancouver for 16 years. We are centrally located in the picturesque family oriented neighborhood of Champlain Heights. We are an multi-disciplinary clinic offering a variety of convenient healthcare services including:
SpineMed Spinal Decompression,
KDT - Kennedy Decompression,
Cox Spinal Decompression,
Bioflex Laser,
Custom Orthotics,
coming soon...
Digital Xray!
Life takes NERVE.
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